We're not limited to roofing.

Siding might not seem like the most glamorous aspect of your home, but it still plays an extremely important role in increasing your house's longevity and durability. Whether you are building your first home from scratch or looking to upgrade your home, we can cater to your siding needs in a highly professional capacity.

Benefits of painting your home's exterior siding.

Most of the homeowners that we work with take immense pride in the visual appearance of their homes. A well-maintained home allows you to express your own unique and personal perspective on your home's exterior, and painting your exterior siding is one of the biggest parts of this process. Here are six other benefits of painting your house that might consider:

  • • Painting parts of the exposed areas of your home's siding that are prone to termite damage helps reduce and remove the risk of these serious threats.
  • • Painting your home's siding is a great way of ensuring that your home's appearance is not adversely affect by the wind, rain, or snow.
  • • Regular painting can extend your siding's lifetime. On average, vinyl siding can last up to fifty years. Painting your vinyl siding will keep it looking fresh and extend the lifespan of your home.
  • • A freshly-painted exterior siding can immediately increase the curb appeal of your home.
  • • Mold and mildew can break down the structural integrity of your home's wooden surfaces. Painting these surfaces can keep this from happening for longer.
  • • Painting your home's wooden siding can save you from splinters and even add a few years of life to your home's wood decking or patio.